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Statement of Faith 

We believe all 66 books of the Bible are the inspired work of God. God used individuals to write these books.  Each book is written by God and co-written by inspired men whose individual style and language are included in the book.  Because of the divine authorship of the book, we believe the Bible is without error in the original manuscripts. 

2 Tim 3:16-17  Rom 15:4   2 Peter 1:21


We believe that Jesus Christ was born to a virgin, that He lived a sinless live and that he went to the cross not for any sin He had committed, but for all the sins of mankind.  He was crucified, buried and on the third day He rose in resurrection power.  We believe He will return, both to take His people to Himself and to judge those who have rejected Him as Lord.

1 Cor 15:3-4   Matthew 1:23   Isa 53:46   Act 1:1-4   John 14:1-3


We believe that God is Triune in nature (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) co-equal, co-eternal, co-existing in unity.  We believe that God is expressed in these three individuals, but in His essence He is one.

Gen 1:1  Gen 2:26  John 1:1-2  John 10:30  John 14:16-17  Matthew 28:19


We believe in the baptism of believers.  This is an external expression of an internal transformation. We practice baptism by immersion, as is prescribed by both Jesus Christ and the early church.

Matt 28:18-19  Mark 1:9-10  Acts 8:36-39


We believe all people have free will.  God has given us all the ability to choose to follow Him or reject Him.  Christians, by choice follow Jesus Christ with the hope we are being transformed into the image of Chirst.

Joshua 24:14-15  Mark 10:21-22  Romans 1:24-25


We believe that man was created in the image of God.  He created us to be with Him.  Through Adam's sin, we have all been alienated from God.  As a result, man is unable to be with God apart from Jesus Christ.

Genesis 1:27   Gen 3:6-7  John 14:6


We believe that a person can only be saved if they place their faith in Jesus's work on the cross.  It is through His blood that we are restored to right relationship with God.

Acts 20:38   Romans 3:35   Ephesians 1:7  Hebrews 9:22


We believe that the universal church is the body of Christ of which Jesus Christ is the Head. Our local church is an intimate expression of the universal church.  The members are those who have trusted, by faith, the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 16:16-18  Romans 12:4-5   1 Cor 12:12  Eph 5:25-26


We believe in a literal heaven and hell.  We believe heaven and eternal life is reserved for those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ.  We believe hell and eternal death is reserved for those who reject Jesus Christ.

Mark 6:28  Mark 13:41-42  Luke 10:20  Heb 9:27


We believe it by grace alone, through faith that we are saved.  This faith is a gift from God provided through the cross of Jesus Christ.  We believe salvation is a work of God from the beginning to the end.

John 10:27-29  Romans 5:20  Romans 11:5-6  Eph 2:8-9





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